January 28, 2019

Georgia School Nutrition Foundation School Grant: Eastman YDC

Story support and photos from DJJ Nutrition Program Administrator Jessika Anderson

DJJ is proud to announce that the Eastman Youth Development Campus (Eastman YDC) has been selected as the recipient of the 2018-2019 Georgia School Nutrition Foundation (GSNF) School Garden Grant. Under the supervision of DJJ’s Office of Nutrition and Food Service, Eastman YDC will utilize the $500 grant to improve their existing garden. 

According to the GSNF, school gardens are a wonderful way to use campus space as a classroom, reconnecting students with nature and teaching them the value of gardening and agriculture. Also, campus gardening can enhance youth skills and knowledge in math, science, art, health, and physical education.

Garden-produced crops at Eastman YDC’s will be used to support their culinary program and as a nutritional supplement to meals for youth at the facility.  Eastman YDC Horticultural Educator Deborah Henderson and Education Supervisor Anthony Snead are the coordinators of the garden program.  Chef Consuela Blye leads the culinary program along with Food Service Director Tammy Baxter. The School Garden Grant requires Eastman YDC to submit reports on the garden's progress from the start of planting until harvest to GSNF. 

Congratulations again to everyone involved in creating the Eastman YDC garden and in obtaining this important grant.









