January 08, 2019
Wilkes RYDC Events

Story support and photos provided by Volunteer Resource Coordinator Felicia Jackson
Over the past month, youth and volunteers at the Wilkes Regional Youth Detention Center (Wilkes RYDC) in Washington have been busy with a series of exciting and informative events inside the facility.
The Full Circle Refuge dinner and ministry night was a huge hit with staff and youth alike. Organizers encouraged participating youth to think outside of the expected to further individual growth and development. Through interactive dialogue, Wilkes RYDC youth were able to develop the conversational and social skills needed to thrive in community settings.
Chess is often referred to as the "Game of Kings" for its reliance on logic and precision in order to thrive and win. Youth at the Wilkes RYDC were taught chess piece movements and rudimentary strategies. In doing so, volunteers stressed to the youth the importance of looking several moves ahead, both in chess games and in life choices themselves.
During December, winter holidays were celebrated with a family style meals with food and decorations donated by the local Bi-Lo store, Full Circle Refuge Ministry, Conquerors Christian Ministries, First Assembly of God, First Baptist Church of Washington, and Smallcakes Cupcakery of Evans. Wilkes RYDC youth were able to enjoy a special menu and receive gifts celebrating the season.
Special thanks goes out to all of the staff and volunteers who made the recent events at the Wilkes RYDC successful.