May 01, 2019
Elbert Shaw RYDC: SHAPE Grant

Story support from Nutrition Program Administrator Jessika Anderson
Recently, the Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center (Elbert Shaw RYDC) was awarded a $2000 Georgia Shape school health grant for the 2018-2019 school year. The funding is intended to empower schools to implement activities that promote lifelong healthy behaviors, many of which combat obesity and help reduce chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Of the money awarded to the Elbert Shaw RYDC, a portion was used to fund a staff wellness initiative involving putting healthier options in their staff vending machine. Before implementation, a survey was taken of the staff to gauge whether or not healthy items would be popular to purchase, the frequency of staff snacking, and a list of potential snack options for the vending machine.
Starting in mid-April, the Elbert Shaw RYDC nutrition team moved forward with the initiative with an initial taste test of the healthy items chosen by the staff. In addition to the taste test, educational handouts were provided and a secondary survey to help finalize and tweak snack options was administered.
The Department of Juvenile Justice is supportive of healthy options for all of its employees. Special thanks goes out to Food Service Director Stephanie Morrison and AOC II Elizabeth Waters for their hard work and personal effort in helping to bring healthy snacks (and proper nutrition) to the Elbert Shaw RYDC.