Office of Nutrition and Food Services Menus

DJJ participates in the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National School Breakfast, Lunch and Afterschool Snack Programs, meeting all regulations required to obtain reimbursements for meals and utilize USDA commodity foods.  Through these programs, the USDA emphasizes offering a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a choice of 1% unflavored or fat-free flavored milk and sodium and saturated fat maximums.  DJJ has also pledged to "Shake It Up", a statewide initiative of the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to change the culture of school nutrition by focusing on three areas: Tasty Meals, Friendly Cafeterias and Happy Schools.

DJJ's mission is to provide high quality, nutritious meals to all youth, promote awareness of life-long healthy food choices and support Georgia Grown products and GaDOE 20/20 vision.

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