Victim Notification and Services

Victim Rights
The Department of Juvenile Justice shall represent, protect and advance the individual and collective rights and interests of victims of juvenile crimes. Federal and State laws offer rights to victims of crime including those inflicted with pain, suffering, property loss and physical loss due to domestic violence, sexual assault, driving while under the influence, elder abuse, robbery, physical abuse, homicide, assault and battery, cruelty to children and other crimes.
The Department of Juvenile Justice's Office of Victim Services will ensure that victims are afforded their rights under the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights (O.C.G.A. § 17-17-1(2012)).
As a victim of a crime in Georgia, you have a right to:
Reasonable, accurate and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings.
Reasonable, accurate and timely notice of the arrest, release or escape of the accused.
Not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings involving the accused, except as otherwise provided by law.
Be heard at any scheduled court proceedings involving the release, plea or sentencing of the accused.
File a written objection in any parole proceedings involving the accused.
Confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim.
Restitution as provided by law.
Be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case.
Under certain conditions, to be notified of the accused being on an electronic release and monitoring program.
Be notified of an arrest warrant being issued for the accused.
Get notified that the accused is prohibited from contacting the victim.
To discuss with prosecuting attorney your rights as a victim, click here
To know your rights as a victim, click
Victim Notification
Under the Georgia Crime Victims' Bill of Rights, victims of crime in Georgia have a right to request to be notified when the person convicted of a crime against them:
Is released from secure confinement.
Has requested for secure facility passes to the community.
Has escaped or transferred to the Georgia Department of Corrections.
Has violated the electronic release and monitoring program.
The State of Georgia does not allow the release of specific confidential information such as:
A youth's placement in a community residential program.
A youth's treatment for substance abuse, mental/emotional illness or developmental delay.
Any medical information or results of assessments and evaluations.
The victim has the option to waive any of the information or notification or other obligations specified under the Crime Victims' Bill of Rights. A victim has the right to designate a spouse, adult child, parent, sibling or grandparent to act on behalf of him or her when the victim is physically unable to personally assume the rights under the law.
Victims must provide to the law enforcement agency, prosecuting attorney (District Attorney) and custodial authority a current address and telephone number to be notified of specific actions in a criminal case against the accused, an arrest of the accused, the accused released from custody and any judicial proceeding wherein the release of the accused will be considered.
In order for the Department to properly notify you of a youthful offender's release or escape, it is important to provide the Department with up-to-date contact information. Please complete an online Victim Notification Request form, or email the Office of Victim Services to update your contact information. Your contact information will remain confidential.