Georgia Preparatory Academy

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Students enter and exit GPA schools daily. Each local GPA campus works to ensure a continuum of services for each student enrolled so that they will experience a smooth transition back to their home school. Special education services are provided for students with disabilities including psychological testing, eligibility meetings, and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings. Students have access to professional school counselors, academic advisement and career guidance. Students take the Georgia Milestones exams and are able to take Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) courses.
Students in the Augusta, Columbus, Macon and Savannah areas who have left DJJ placement and cannot return to their home school may be referred to and placed in GPA at a local ETC. The ETCs use Odysseyware as the primary curriculum delivery model. They also offer Adult Education/GED classes and testing. A certified lead teacher is on staff at each ETC.
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