Pathway to Success (GED)

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GED consists of four subject areas that students will be tested in: Math, Science, Social Studies and Reasoning through Language Arts. Once the student is eligible to take the GED Ready Official Practice Tests, they must score at least a 145 to be eligible to take the Official GED test in that subject area. If a student is under the age of 18, they must meet additional requirements as set forth by the Technical College System of Georgia. These requirements include scoring a 150 (or higher) on at least two of the GED Ready tests, 40+ hours of enrollment in HSE classes, along with the required TABE scores for Math and Reading.
Pathway to Success High School Equivalency program is available to students at all our DJJ Campuses. Since becoming our own testing center in 2020, students that have qualified for testing can be registered and tested at the facility in which they are enrolled. As of January 2022, we are very pleased to announce that we have transitioned to Computer Based testing for our HSE Program.
What happens if I lose my diploma and transcript, or need an additional official transcript for an employer?
Additional copies can be obtained online, through the mail or in person. Replacement copies cost $15 and can be obtained by accessing the following link:
In order to redeem your HOPE Voucher to enroll in classes, please contact the Georgia Student Finance Commission by accessing the following link:
Quick Links:
Holly Cannon
Program Coordinator/Chief Examiner
Phone: (404) 823-5062
[email protected]
Elinor Goode
GED Examiner
[email protected]
Locations | Instructors | Phone | |
Atlanta YDC | Shannon Wilson | [email protected] | (770) 306-6610 |
Augusta RYDC | Narissia Johnson | [email protected] | (706) 792-7290 |
Augusta YDC | Tatyana Chester | [email protected] | |
Bibb County ETC | Gail Smith | [email protected] | (478) 207-1401 |
Chatham County ETC | Dallacey McCall | [email protected] | (912) 303-1900 |
Eastman YDC | Brianna Hughes | [email protected] | (478) 374-6826 |
Gainesville RYDC | Martrez Milner | [email protected] | (770) 531-4538 |
Macon YDC | Cynthia Gilbert | [email protected] | (478) 752-1873 |
Metro RYDC | Bettye Thomas-Gilkey | [email protected] | (404) 624-2333 |
Milledgeville YDC | Traneshia Kitchens | [email protected] | (478) 445-3140 |
Muscogee County ETC | |||
Muscogee YDC | Linda Williams | [email protected] | (706) 569-2861 |
Terrell RYDC | Kelvin Pless | [email protected] | (229) 995-8540 |