April 12, 2017

DJJ Cares: Mitchell Community Services Office Supports Child Abuse Prevention Month

DJJ Cares Mitchell Community Services Office Supports Child Abuse Prevention Month

Photo and information provided by JPM Gary Coker

In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, the Mitchell County Youth Advisory Council (MCYAC) created and placed gardens made of pinwheels in locations around the county. Department of Juvenile Justice staff from the Mitchell Community Services Office (including JPPS II Fredrick Wrenn and JPPS II Mollie Pollock) participated in the event by helping to create the gardens in front of the Mitchell County Board of Education, Camilla City Hall, First Baptist Church of Camilla, Pelham City Hall and Pelham Board of Education.









JPPS II Fredrick Wrenn







National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families. During the month of April and throughout the year, communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote prevention across the country.

To learn more about Child Abuse Prevention Month, visit https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/.