November 19, 2018
PBIS at DJJ: Elbert Shaw RYDC November Employee of the Month

DJJ Commissioner Avery D. Niles congratulates Recreation Supervisor Adam White and Juvenile Correctional Officer Bobby Minjanez for being named Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Employees of the Month for the Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center facility. The PBIS Employee of the Month award is open to all in fields of Safety & Security, Medical, Counselors, Mental Health, Education, Food Service, Maintenance, Business, Personnel, Support Staff and Administration.
According to his co-workers and supervisors, White always comes to work with a positive attitude and goes above and beyond his duties. He is a good influence on our youth and and inspires them to stay positive.
Officer Bobby Minjanez has worked diligently to ensure special programming at Elbert Shaw RYDC is successfully implanted. He motivates the youths in his care daily and serves as a positive role model. He has proven himself as an officer with great leadership qualities and is a strong asset to the team.
PBIS is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes