December 13, 2017
Macon YDC: PBIS Facility of the Quarter

The Macon Youth Development Campus (Macon YDC) has been named the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Facility of the Quarter for the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The Macon YDC had the highest score in the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) audit in October for all facilities in Georgia. The purpose of PBIS TFI is to provide a reliable and efficient measure of the extent to which facility personnel are applying the core features of PBIS across the tiers and during all programming hours throughout an entire facility. With the PBIS TFI being the newest and most in-depth measurement tool ever used at DJJ, the Macon YDC staff should be extremely proud of its high score and top rating for this quarter.
PBIS is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes. More than 23,000 U.S. schools are implementing PBIS and saving countless instructional hours otherwise lost to discipline. The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student over the counter behavior, will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety and learning. PBIS schools apply a multi-tiered approach to prevention, using disciplinary data and principles of behavior analysis to develop school-wide, targeted and individualized interventions and supports to improve the school climate for all students.