Division of Community Services

Division of Community Services

The Division of Community Services is responsible for intake, case management, probation, detention planning, residential care, re-entry services, and aftercare supervision. In some areas of the state, the Department shares these services with County Juvenile Court staff. Intake is the entry point at which a youth is either diverted from or formally processed into the juvenile justice system. The Division has 78 Community Services Offices and includes the Office of Residential and Community Based Services and the Office of Reentry Services.

Case Management

Case Management

Case management services involves developing a plan that the Community Case Manager (CCM), Juvenile Probation/Parole Specialist (JPPS), or Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) pursues to rehabilitate a youth and prevent further involvement with the court. 


Probation Services

Probation services provide individualized and measurably effective supervision and services directed toward the youth’s identified risks and needs, and ensure compliance with the juvenile court’s Order of Probation. Probation supervision will include Balanced and Restorative Justice Practices and Graduated Sanctions. 

ReEntry Services

The Office of Reentry Services

The Office of Re-Entry Services implements the final phase of a youth’s transition plan as he/she returns to the community. Each youth has an individualized transition plan which includes their risk level along with their needs. The Office of Re-Entry Services facilitates a youth’s connections to services and supports the youth for up to 60 months.

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interstate compact

The Office of Interstate Compact for Juveniles

The Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ) is the law that regulates the interstate movement of juveniles who are under court supervision. The Office of Interstate Compact for Juveniles is responsible for the administration and management of the state’s supervision and transfer of juveniles subject to the Compact.

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Office of Residential and Community Based Services (ORCBS)

Office of Residential and Community Based Services (ORCBS)

The Office of Residential and Community-Based Services (ORCBS) provides care and support to youth and their families by managing the delivery of programs and services administered by the Department of Juvenile Justice community partners and contracted providers. 

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Deputy Commissioner Rusty Rodgers

(404) 508-6500