The Office of Residential and Community-Based Services (ORCBS)

The Office of Residential and Community-Based Services (ORCBS) provides care and support to youth and their families. ORCBS manages the delivery of programs and services administered by the Department of Juvenile Justice community partners and contracted providers. Programs and services administered by ORCBS include Evidence-Based Specialized Treatment Services in a Room, Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO) residential setting and Wrap-Around services designed to assist the youth and the family in the home, school, or other community-based settings.
Room, Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO)

Room, Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO) is the provision of lodging, food, and the attentive and responsible care of children.
RBWO - Residential Services Webpage
WRAP Around/Community Based Services

Wrap Around Services are designed to assist the youth and the family in the home, school or other community-based settings.
WRAP Around/Community Based Services Webpage
For additional information on the requirements for securing a contract with DJJ Community Services, please use the following emails:
· For CCI and CPA vendors: [email protected]
· For WRAP Around vendors: [email protected]