DOAS Motor Vehicle Accident-Self Report Form

Due to COVID-19 some police departments will not be responding to auto accidents where there are no injuries reported. To ensure all the information is captured to process the APD claim, Risk Management has created the DOAS MVA Self-Report Form attached below. Additionally, there is also a training video (see hyper-lick below) on how and when to complete this form. Please print a copy of the forms and place them in the glove box of all state vehicles.

Self-Report Video

The driver of any agency vehicle is responsible for ensuring that vehicle accident information is reported as quickly as possible to the Net Claim reporting system. The notification process involves the collection of information that is identified on the Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card. The driver is required to contact Net Claim at 1-877-656-7475 within 48 hours of the accident. Upon completion, the Net Claim representative will give the driver a 9-digit claim number to identify their accident report.

The driver will forward the Net Claim number along with all accident-related information to the Office of Assets and Property Management-Fleet Operations. The Fleet Operations team will track the progress of the repair efforts until the vehicle has been repaired. The point of contact for accident reporting is Pierre Betts at (404) 416-1822 or Willie Gilmore at (404) 638-8583.

Download this pdf file. DOAS Motor Vehicle Accident Self-Report Form
Download this pdf file. State of Georgia Government Vehicle Georgia Liability Identification Card