DJJ Benefits Page

The Department of Juvenile Justice provides a large and varied uniform set of health and flexible benefits for eligible state of Georgia employees at competitive premiums. Plus, state employees can save even more when choosing benefits with pre-tax premiums. By electing to pay pre-tax, employees do not have any federal, state, or FICA taxes withheld on the money from their paycheck used to pay for the benefit options. As a result, employees have more take home pay when compared to paying the same premiums with after-tax dollars.
New Employee Election of Benefits:
New employees select their benefits within 31 days of hire date. Current employees are permitted to change their benefits during "Open Enrollment" in the fall for benefits beginning the following calendar year. Changes can be made with 31 days of a life-changing event during the year (for example a qualifying event would be birth or adoption of a child, death in family, marriage, divorce). Employees transferring in from other state agencies without a break in service are not permitted to make changes upon transfer and must wait until Open Enrollment unless experiencing a qualifying life-changing event.
Online Open Enrollment:
During the yearly Open Enrollment period, employees will select their benefits through separate on-line web enrollment sites for Flexible Benefits through GaBreeze and Health Insurance with State Health Benefits. Employees are able to review benefit options they had selected during the previous year and select new options on-line.
New Hiring Orientation Training Videos
Employee Benefits | Department of Juvenile Justice (georgia.gov)