Rescue 2 Restore

Rescue 2 Restore Mission

The Rescue 2 Restore (R2R) program is designed to harness the restorative power of the human-animal bond by utilizing structured rescue dog training programs, humane education sessions, and therapy dog interactions within the Georgia Juvenile Justice system.

Rescue 2 Restore program goals include allowing youth to develop an opportunity to practice life skills such as responsibility, positive and patient interactions, educational successes, and community service. 

Rescue 2 Restore program outcomes are set to decrease behavioral issues within secure facilities, increase skills that will allow for entry-level employment upon release, and allow for empowerment and connection with the community through service learning projects.

R2R also provides educational programming for DJJ youth

In addition to its dog training programs, R2R brings in guest speakers to provide educational programs that teach about animal welfare, rescue, abuse and training.  These programs help provide additional context and training that benefit DJJ youth both now and as our youth transition back into their home communities.

Is R2R similar to other Programs?

Rescue 2 Restore program dogs are housed in a separate free-standing kennel building on campus where designated youth are responsible for feeding the dogs and cleaning their kennels.  DJJ youth will interact with the dogs a minimum of three times a day, with at least an hour dedicated specifically to training.  However, unlike other programs, Georgia's youth offenders and program dogs do not bunk under the same roof.

What is the timing for training the R2R dogs?

The dogs go through a 12 week program where youths teach them basic obedience skills. Following the program, they're ready to be adopted into their new homes. Our partner rescues handle the screening and approval of potential adopters.